About Kingdom Healthcare


Development History Remarks


May 2024

Kingdom Healthcare donated 44,070 units of hygiene care products to 12 hospitals in the Greater Bay Area

May 2024

Honored as a Foshan Standard Product Enterprise

The awards of Kingdom Healthcare honor

A recognized leading Chinese nursing appliance enterprise
  • 2024

    Honored as a Foshan Standard Product Enterprise
  • 2023

    ABC won the Meet You U-Product National Trendy Boutique Excellence Award
  • 2022

    Kingdom Healthcare won the main award of “Top Healthiest Workplace "  of Mercer China Healthiest Workplace.

    The R&D and application of the technology for the core body of ABC Bio breathing sanitary napkin product won the "Excellent Award for Scientific and Technological Achievements" issued by CNTAC.

    ABC won the annual public welfare case award of Tmall Golden Makeup Award.

    ABC won the silver award of KOL marketing innovation category at the 6th Kirin International Advertising Award.

    ABC's "Bio Respiratory Sanitary Pad" won the title of Top 10 Textile Innovation Products in 2022

  • 2021

    Kingdom Healthcare was awarded 2021 Best HR Team in Greater China by Hroot
    Kingdom Healthcare was awarded China Best Employer Excellent Enterprise Award by Taihe Ruixin 
    ABC was awarded Bronze Award of IAI in the category of Integrated Marketing
    ABC was awarded Silver Award of Dandelion Awards in the category of National Trend Marketing
    ABC was awarded Silver Award of Dandelion Awards in the category of Integrated Marketing
    ABC was awarded Bronze Award of Tiger Roar Awards in the category of Daily Necessities and Home Decoration 
    FREE was awarded Silver Award of Golden Mouse in the category of Digital Marketing Awards 
    FREE was awarded Golden Award of TMA in the category of Entertainment Marketing
  • 2020

    Kingdom Healthcare Holdings Limited, Guangdong was awarded “Outstanding Health Innovation Award”

    FREE won the Gold Award for Practice Case in Creative Communication

    ABC won Thousands of Chains Integrated Marketing Award

    ABC won Gold Medal of Interactive Experience of the 7th Top Mobile Awards

    ABC won Silver Medal of Entertainment Marketing of the 7th Top Mobile Awards

    ABC won Bronze Medal of Entertainment Marketing of the 20th International Advertising Awards

    ABC won Silver Medal for Media Integration in Category of Media Marketing of Modern Advertising Awards

  • 2019

    Respecting talents, the company gained Top Human Resources Management Awards again

    It was awarded Chinese Enterprise Standard “Leader”

  • 2018

    Kingdom Healthcare was awarded the"China Innovative Health Practice Award"
    Kingdom Healthcare Re-won 2018 China Best Employer Outstanding Employer Award
    Won the"outstanding human resources management award"

  • 2017

    Respect For Talents,Outstanding award for human resources management
    Common Prosperity,Outstanding Contribution Award for Supporting Education in Nanhai District

  • 2016

    Respect for Talents,China's Best Employers of the Year ,Top 10 Best Employers in Foshan
    Respect for Talents,Best Employer in Foshan City Awards presented by the Foshan Enterprise Federation
    The pursuit of excellence,High-tech enterprises

  • 2015

    Respect for Talents,China's Best Employers of the Year ,Top 10 Best Employers in Foshan
    The pursuit of excellence,Outstanding Contribution Unit of Nanhai Medical & Health Products Industry

    Leading change,Advanced unit of scientific and technological work in Nanhai District, Foshan City
    Common Prosperity,Taxpaying Over 100 Million Enterprises in Nanhai District, Foshan City
    Common Prosperity,National Unity and Progress Model Enterprise
    Common Prosperity,Key supported  enterprise  of “Eagle plan” in Nanhai Distric

  • 2014

    Leading change,The advanced unit of scientific and technological work in the South China Sea

    Good faith management,ABC brand - famous brand products in Guangdong Province

    Good faith management,Free flying brand - famous brand products in Guangdong Province

  • 2012

    Go Green,ngineering & Technology Research and Development Center in Foshan City

    IntegrityABC,Famous Trademark of China

  • 2013

    Leading Change,High-tech Enterprise in Guangdong Province
    Mutual Prosperity,The Charity Award of Nanhai
    Pursuing Excellence,The Big Dipper Enterprise
  • 2009

    IntegrityFree,The 2ndWelcomed TOP Rising Brand List by University Students in the Country “The Highest Growth Brand”

  • 2011

    IntegrityABC,Famous Trademark of Guangdong Province Extended (2012-2014)

  • 2008

    IntegrityABCFamous Trademark of Guangdong ProvinceIntegrityABC,Famous Trademark of Guangdong ProvinceIntegrityABC,Famous Trademark of Guangdong ProvinceIntegrityABC,Famous Trademark of Guangdong Province
